
So Far, So Good

Well, they're off and running.

Newt Gingrich did a good job attacking the media for running the interview with his ex-wife.  Granted, it's all he could do, but he did it well.  The problem, of course, is that however satisfying it is to go after the press, it doesn't eliminate the underlying character problem.  His crack about getting young people jobs rather than keeping them on their parents' insurance under Obamacare highlights his mastery of debate.

Mitt Romney is showing more fire in the belly about capitalism, which is helpful.  Smart to advocate just moving on rather than dwelling on Gingrich's problems.  He needs to brush up on how effectively to differentiate MA health care from Obamacare.

Rick Santorum is going for broke, positioning himself as the blue-collar guy, and attacking effectively.  The question is whether he is eroding his likability.