
"We Are All Africans": Socialist Labor Leader Tells Us What A Feminist Is Too

We were all "brought here against our will" and "are all African?" Why do leftists like Dolores Huerta hate America so much yet choose to stay here?

She gave this speech at the YWCA's national conference in Washington, DC. C-SPAN covered it.

If you go YWCA's home page you will only see their acronym. Why does the oldest women's organization in the world tell us only once that their acronym is the "Young Women's Christian Organization?"  On their "history" page they generously mention the "Christian" part at its founding in 1858--and leave it at that. Here's how they describe the YWCA today: The YWCA is the oldest and largest multicultural women's organization in the world.

My dear, dear fellow Americans Africans, isn't "Christian" multicultural by definition?

Fundamentally transforming America.

On the positive side, at least now we all have the right to those reparations!

HT: Lee Habeeb.