
A Rallying Point for the Conservative Movement

Dick Armey, former majority leader and hero from the Republican revolution in '94, wrote an insightful article today about the RSC's "American Taxpayer Bill of Rights." Click here to check it out.

"As former House majority leader, I am especially proud to support the next generation of young legislators at the RSC fighting to defend our freedoms. I call them 'legislative entrepreneurs' because they need to be ambitious, risk-taking and creative in order to advance our agenda in a hostile Congress."

"Every day, the typical congressman hears from lobbyists and special interests demanding more spending, so it is pretty special when ordinary Americans show up on Capitol Hill holding signs that read, 'We Want Less.'”

"The Taxpayer Bill of Rights is a good new rallying point for the conservative movement. Like the 'Contract with America' in 1994, the Taxpayer Bill of Rights is a big idea that can help reenergize our cause in the wake of the policy failures of the past Congresses and the results of the 2006 midterm elections."