
Enforcing the Law: Criminalization

A small group of people in Arizona and around the country believe SB 1070 is wrong and highly controversial. Many are also arguing that the bill is unconstitutional, that state laws cannot trump federal law and therefore the state of Arizona has no place in enforcing immigration laws because immigration is a federal issue. 

Whether this is true or not, if the federal government does eventually decide to enforce immigration laws already in place, the same arguments about civil rights violations and profiling will continue due to the belief that crossing the border without proper documentation is not a crime. Instead, Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement are "criminalizing" the people if they enforce the law. The opposition wants amnesty and doesn't want to follow the rules. It won't matter whether the state of Arizona is enforcing the law, or if I.C.E. is taking on the challenge. The signs at the protest against SB 1070, a state not federal bill, in downtown Tucson five days ago explain this perfectly. Why would they protest I.C.E., a federal operation, at a rally designated to protest against a state bill?

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