
HuffPo Goes After Laura Bush for Answering Questions at Press Conference

Laura Bush held a press conference two days ago, in which she addressed the disaster in Burma. After she had talked about that for a few minutes, the press asked her about her daughter Jenna's upcoming wedding this Saturday in Crawford, Texas.

And, can you believe it? Laura had the temerity to entertain their questions! The Huffington Post objects to the "insensitivity:"

Laura Bush Discusses Daughter's Wedding During Myanmar Press Conference

MSNBC never changed the chyron from "First Lady talks about deadly cyclone in Myanmar," so it made for an awkward visual, but that's not exactly Laura's fault. She didn't even venture near the subject until the press mentioned it.

I think the Bush family has handled this wedding well. It's been low-key, with very few details of Jenna's dress or favors or arrangements coming out. I think it's better they held it in Crawford instead of the White House, which would have been a predictable opening for obnoxious Lefties to complain about the Bush family's insensitivity in wartime. Having it in Crawford gives it a family feeling instead of a political one.

In fact, now that I think of it, the only place I have read details about the wedding on a regular basis has been Huffington Post, where there have been no fewer than six posts about the impending nuptials over the past couple months, all with the implication that Jenna should just skip it altogether.

Get over it, HuffPo. They're about the only people who care about this wedding, evidently, and it's clear they think the fact Jenna's even celebrating her nuptials is "insensitive."

Congrats, Jenna!