
Ann Romney Opens Up About Breast Cancer in Glamour Magazine

If you flip through the pages of most major fashion magazines, you'll find editors fawning over liberal women like Hillary Clinton, Anita Hill, Michelle Obama, Jane Fonda, Sandra Fluke and others. This month is an exception, at least online anyway. has published a piece by Ann Romney in which she discusses her battle with breast cancer in honor of breast cancer awareness month. For more than six months, we've heard the argument that Mitt Romney just doesn't "understand" women's health issues. This claim couldn't be further from the truth. Not only does he understand women's health issues, after all Ann Romney has survived breast cancer, gave birth to five children and lives with multiple sclerosis, his nurturing character has given her strength to listen and help women all over the country with their own breast cancer struggles.

My diagnosis with breast cancer has been one of my toughest teachers. As I’ve traveled the country throughout this campaign, I’ve found that I’m far from alone in this feeling. In fact, one of the opportunities I value most about this election is the chance it has given me to join other survivors in their efforts to raise awareness about this difficult disease.

It’s been a humbling experience to share my story with women across America and hear them open their hearts to me about their battles with the disease.

My own trial with breast cancer, as well as my ongoing struggle with multiple sclerosis, has taught me several important lessons. And these lessons are not simply about myself but also about those I love. Following my diagnosis, my husband, Mitt, stood by my side without reservation. He has been my steady champion.

I believe this speaks volumes about his character—and about why he’s running for president. For him, it’s about giving back to his country in order to make things better for people, for our fellow citizens. He wants to ensure that all Americans have access to the quality health care they need. And he also wants to ensure that women have the economic opportunities they deserve.

You can read Ann's entire post here.