
Planned Parenthood Attacks McCain

Planned parenthood has launched this anti-McCain radio ad

Announcer: Think you know which candidate for president wants to outlaw abortion and overturn Roe v. Wade?

McCain: “I do not support Roe v. Wade. It should be overturned.” [AP, 2/18/07]
Announcer: That’s John McCain, not Mike Huckabee, and those are his real views. Even though John McCain knows what’s at risk, he wants abortion to be illegal again, just like it used to be.
McCain: “I do believe that it’s very likely or possible that a Supreme Court should, could overturn Roe v. Wade.” [ABC This Week with George Stephanopoulos, 11/19/06]

Announcer: McCain’s plan to outlaw abortion threatens the lives and health of women — that’s why John McCain received a zero percent rating from Planned Parenthood Action Fund, the lowest rating in the US Senate. When you vote, always vote pro-choice and remember John McCain’s real talk:
McCain: “I have been pro-life for all of my political career.” [NBC Meet the Press with Tim Russert, 5/13/07]