
Et Tu, AP?

When so many others are noticing the distinct gap between President Obama's promises made and promises fulfilled, perhaps it's not surprising that even the normally Obama-friendly AP piles on, with this piece titled "Promises, Promises: Obama rhetoric, reality clash."

The author, Liz Sidoti, considerately enumerates the numerous ways Barack Obama has failed to live up to his campaign pledges, including those in the following areas: Iraq, hiring lobbyists, earmarks, changing the tone of politics, and restraining government spending.

Ultimately unable to denounce Obama completely, Sidoti counterbalances the list of Obama's inconsistency, arguing that Obama "has popularity on his side . . .."  Really?  Actually, he's less popular than President George W. Bush was at this point in his administration -- and I don't seem to recall anyone touting that fact as a justification for overlooking his broken campaign pledges.