
What Resolutions Did Senate Republicans Adopt Yesterday?

The biggie was the two-year earmark moratorium, but what other resolutions did the Senate GOP adopt during their Tuesday meeting?  Sen. Lamar Alexander's SRC office sends along a list:

Sen. Lamar Alexander’s resolutions place a moratorium on creating new unfunded mandates and new entitlement programs.

The first resolution states the Conference’s opposition to imposing new unfunded federal mandates – like the Democrats’ health care law – on state and local governments, and the second states the Conference’s opposition to creating new entitlement programs – which currently make up 56 percent of the total budget.

Sen. John Cornyn’s resolution states that a Balanced Budget Amendment to the United States Constitution is necessary to restore fiscal discipline.

The resolution states that a balanced budget amendment should require the president to submit to Congress prior to each fiscal year a proposed budget in which total federal spending does not exceed total federal revenue; that a balanced budget amendment should include a requirement that a supermajority of both houses of Congress be necessary to increase taxes; that a balanced budget amendment should include a limitation on total federal spending.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison’s resolution states that unspent stimulus funds should be canceled.

The resolution would cancel the more than $12 billion of unspent stimulus funds and avoid saddling taxpayers with more debt. 

Sen. Jon Kyl’s resolution states that there should be a net federal hiring freeze on non-security employees.

Between 2008 and 2010, federal government civilian employment grew 20 percent, from 1.2 million civilian workers to 1.43 million. Shrinking the size of government through attrition is both fair and smart.

Sen. John Thune’s resolution states that non-security discretionary spending should be reduced to inflation-adjusted FY 2008 levels.

The resolution would save approximately $450 billion over ten years, and such a reduction should be enforced through discretionary spending caps.

Senator Jeff Sessions’ suggestion to develop proposals to use funds unspent by Members of Congress to reduce the federal debt and to reduce legislative branch appropriations.

Senator Mitch McConnell’s resolution calls on Democrats to adopt an earmark moratorium.

The resolution calls upon the Senate Democrats to adopt a policy that no Democrat member shall request a congressionally directed spending item, limited tax benefit or limited tariff benefit, as such items are used in Rule XLIV of the Standing Rules of the Senate for the 112th Congress.

McConnell's gauntlet to Democrats is a savvy move.  He's (nearly) unified his own caucus around a broadly popular idea, while splitting his opponents  Harry Reid hates the idea, natch, but vulnerable red state Dems like Mark Udall and Claire McCaskill seem willing to play ball.  After all, what red stater wants to head home and try to explain to voters why they didn't support a ban on an earmark ban.  Hell, even The One has paid lip service to reforming the practice, so wavering Democrats would have plenty of cover to side with Republicans here.  Come on over, folks.  You're going to have to pose as "centrists" for the next two years anyway -- you might as well start now.