
Lunch Break

Ilya did a great round-up of the Soto spectacle that's been transpiring, so I'll add a little levity to discussion: a round-up of entertaining Sotomayor-related Tweets from the beginning of the morning until now.

And of course, if you're not following on Twitter, you should be.

rkref BREAKING: #Sotomayor says Brown v. Board of Ed is "settled law." Chris Matthews revived w/ smelling salts. #sotoshow

frogpajamas: Soto suit color watch (clearly a newsworthy topic): blue suit yesterday, red suit today. Clever lady. #sotoshow #overanalytic/dumbreporting

mitrebox Sotomayor: Ignore my background or richness of my experiences! Then why did we even have democrats speak yesterday? #sotoshow

annamariecox: Hatch:"I appreciate this litte time we've had together." Aw. Especially the part w/the nunchucks. LMAO #sotoshow

AndyMacMiller: 100% of those polled by me (me) are ready for a nunchuk'ing justice #sotoshow

matttbastard: The ninja lobby cheers as Hatch staunchly defends the right to bear nunchucks. #p2 #Sotoshow

ProfJonathan: I hope lawyers/students following #sotomayor hearings appreciate how hard it is to remember *every* opinion one has ever written. #sotoshow