
What's Hot Tuesday?

What are the most popular stories around the web this morning?  Townhall does the surfing so you don't have to.

US News & World Report:The Race Isn't Necessarily Over for John McCain

Politico:  McCain May Rue Attacks 'Rest of His Life'

Time Magazine:How Valid is Palin's Abortion Attack on Obama?

Philadelphia Inquirer: Corpse Found on City Golf Course

FOX News:  Did Biden Get It Wrong? You Betcha

New York Times:  The Terrorist Barack Hussein Obama

Slate: Vote for Obama

Boston Globe: Obama For President

Los Angeles Times:  Movie Stars' Stock Plummets

ABC News:  Congressman's $121,000 Payoff to Alleged Mistress

Newsweek:  Hoist One Last Glass

Wall Street Journal: Obama's 95% Illusion

CNN: As Economy Sinks, Officials Fear Violent Solutions

New York Post:  Bogus Voter Booted Amid Probe Of ACORN

Chicago Tribune:Cancer Takes ex-Cubs Pitcher

Houston Chronicle: Red-Light Fines Could Lead to Blocked Registration

                Dennis Prager:There Are Two Irreconcilable Americas 
                Thomas Sowell:Negative Advertising
                Bill Steigerwald: John McCain Can Still Win
                Cal Thomas:The End of 'We the People'