
Amidst Scandal, ACORN Founder Decides To...... Promote His New Book

ACORN founder Wade Rathke gave a talk at a D.C. coffee house on Tuesday night to promote his new book Citizen Wealth: Winning the Campaign to Save Working Families. National Review's Mark Hemingway attended:
Given the controversy over ACORN, you'd think the media would have been interested in Rathke's making a public appearence and taking questions. But you'd be wrong.
When Rathke did take questions of substance from Hemingway and other conservative media outlets, he excused ACORN's work by saying the problems that had been uncovered are minor and localized. Rathke also said that his brother's embezzlement of $950K from the ACORN payroll — and then continuing to stay on that payroll for the next 8 years — was justified because if it had gotten out earlier, of course, conservative media would've attacked....earlier.