
Bailing Out John Murtha

Bailout might be the word of the year and the latest recipient of a bailout might surprise you: Rep. John Murtha.

The DCCC is spending $84,000 on advertisements "in an attempt to save Murtha from himself," according to

Why is Murtha at risk, when he's served for so long and this is--by all accounts--a great year to be a Democrat? I'd like to draw your attention to a little video Mary Katharine Ham and I made that might shed some light on Murtha's background--and stomping ground:

These are not a people who cling to corruption. Finally, they are going to stand up and say that they've had enough. This could also mean good news for McCain, as he's remaining competitive in Pennsylvania in these last few days.

Additional polling information for this congressional race is available by clicking here (PDF). You can also find more information about Murtha's statistical dead-heat at, as Michelle has been covering the mess that is Murtha for a long, long time.

Katie Favazza is an editorial consultant who also blogs at and