
Candidates Fend-Off Attacks, While Trying to Stay on Message ...

As we gear up for tonight's MSNBC debate -- and Tuesday's election in Florida -- it is interesting to note that while each candidate is trying to execute a strategy -- their enemies and opponents are trying to stop them from executing that strategy ...

One example of this involves the International Association of Firefighters (IAFF).  Way back in July, I authored a Politico column, outlining how the IAFF was trying to derail Giuliani's candidacy.  Though the initial attacks failed to hurt Rudy Giuliani, now that Giuliani is fighting for his life in Florida, the IAFF has begun sending anti-Rudy mailings to Floridians

Talk about kicking a man when he's down ...

Meanwhile, Mitt Romney is also having to fend-off attacks, while trying to advance his message of being a "turn-around" expert.  As you have probably noticed, Romney is currently going head-to-head with John McCain -- but just when Romney thinks his background positions him to win in Florida, there is a fly in the ointment ...  Mike Huckabee has begun Mitt Romney's business experience, saying that at Bain Capital, Romney used offshore corporations to avoid paying U.S. taxes.

So far, John McCain has benefitted greatly from the fact that (with the exception of Romney) the other GOP candidates have not taken many hard shots at him.  This has certainly contributed to his recent success, and has allowed him to stay on message to a larger degree than other candidates ...