
Greek Plans for Recovery are OPPOSITE of Obama's Plans for America

According to the New York Times, Greece has to swallow some "bitter pills" in order to get on the road to economic recovery.  In exchange for an IMF/EU bailout, Greece has agreed to an austerity plan that strangely resembles conservatives' dreams for American prosperity.  Many of the measures the IMF/EU demands Greece must implement in order to help improve its economy run opposite to the Obama administration's agenda for America. 

NYTimes: Among the most significant features of the plan, a Greek government official said, would be a measure making it easier for the government to lay off some of the many thousands of public sector workers, whose low levels of productivity and high wages are a big contributor to Greece’s debt problem.

USA: "Government workers, especially at the federal level, make salaries that are scandalously higher than those paid to private sector workers."

NYTimes: Another reform high on the list is removing the state from the marketplace in crucial sectors like health care, transportation and energy and allowing private investment.

USA: Obamacare, parity for pedalers, cap and tax... among MANY others.

Are we seeing a pattern yet?  Bret Baier's roundtable had a great discussion about this yesterday: