
Generating More Heat Than Light

Reading this piece, one has to wonder what Barack Obama has to say to supporters like Spike Lee:

"It's going to be before Obama, 'B.B.,' and after Obama -- 'A.B.' -- and some folks need to get used to this," Lee said. "And I'm going to be at the inauguration -- getting my hotel reservation now."
. . . 
Lee said that like Katrina in 2005, the levee breaches now flooding the Upper Midwest were a sign of misplaced priorities by the national government. "That's going to change, though," he said. "We need a real Chocolate City," an apparent reference to the prospect of the United States under Obama, who would be the first U.S. black president if elected in November.

Does Barack welcome Lee's support? Does he reject it?  Or -- as with Father Pfleger, and Jeremiah Wright -- is he just "unaware" of Lee's divisive racial rhetoric (recent example here). .  and he'll denounce and reject it once he's informed of it (and forced to do so)?