
RNC Chairman on NY-26: Hochul Will Have a Tough Time Holding Onto This Seat in 2012

RNC chairman Reince Priebus issued a statement after Republican Jane Corwin lost in the NY-26 special election, saying the Democrat who defeated her will have a tough time holding the seat.

"There is no question Kathy Hochul will have a tough time holding onto this seat in 2012 with Barack Obama and his failed economic leadership weighing heavily on the minds of western New York voters when they return to the polls,” Priebus said in the statement. "Jane Corwin ran a strong campaign in spite of facing a Democrat and a Democrat posed as a Tea Party candidate, both of whom sought to distract from the central issues in the minds of voters: restoring our economy and creating jobs. If we have learned anything from these results it is that Democrats will stop at nothing to preserve the status quo in Washington which is propelling our country towards bankruptcy."