
Campaign Rally</strike> News Conference Starts With A Bang....Of My Head Against The Wall

President Obama began his campaign rally news conference this evening by saying that he's fixed a bunch of stuff, like:
  • financial institutions
  • the housing market
  • unemployment
  • tax relief for families and small businesses
  • extending employment and health insurance to those who were laid off
The problem with him stating that he's fixed all this stuff is that it's patently wrong. The economy is in the pits. Unemployment is skyrocketing. Small businesses and families are going to be faced with the biggest tax increase in history if cap-and-trade, health care reform, and a second stimulus are passed, like he wants. I'd be more assured if he said, well, we're trying hard, but everyone can't have everything, and we've got a long way to go. Instead, he's lying from the starting gate and setting himself up for failure.