
Hope & Change in IL-10

When I interviewed Republican House candidate Robert Dold a week or so ago, he discounted a Democratic campaign poll showing his opponent, Dan Seals, leading by double-digits in Illinois' 10th Congressional District.  He told me his campaign internal numbers looked much stronger and that he believed he would retain the open seat for the GOP.  Now that I've returned from my epic Western reporting trip, I'm catching up on email--and lo and behold, an Illinois GOP source passes along the following news:

Illinois 10

Type of Poll: Automated
Sample: 1,148 Likely voters
Date of Poll: 10/15/2010
Margin of Error: ?2.89%

Robert Dold (R)50.26%86.22%12.08%50.50%
Dan Seals (D)39.02%5.87%82.55%37.75%

Granted, We Ask America is a Republican firm, but the sample size and MOE look pretty solid.