
Two Great Reader Comments

Re: Self-Described "Abortion Addict" Tells All, Suzanne writes on Wednesday, October, 14, 2009 at 10:54 AM:
I taught on a college level for 37 years. I am not surprised by the woman's claims. I have witnessed total hysterics from one student on the day her aborted baby would have been born. I have listened to the agony in the souls of these women who killed their own young. But if you want to point a finger, then point it in the right direction. Point that finger at the established money making machine, not the individuals. Abortion is a huge, lucrative business. It has nothing to do with women's rights.
Re: Wall Street Gets Higher Salaries This Year Than In 2007 Peak, Riders on the Storm writes on Thursday, October, 15, 2009 at 12:05 PM:
[This is] their payoff from Washington for taking on the role of the fall guy in the financial collapse. After all, we can't have the blame fall on the actual culprits--doomed liberal housing policies and irresponsible home owners--now can we? Much easier to blame big, bad financiers...