
Climate Change Debate on Hold

President Obama's push for quick and decisive action in Congress on climate change legislation suffered a minor setback today.  Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairwoman Barbara Boxer announced work on the bill will be delayed until after Congress returns from its August recess. 

From the Washington Post:

"We'll do it as soon as we get back" from that break, Boxer told reporters. Asked if this delay jeopardizes chances the Senate will pass a bill this year, Boxer said, "Not a bit ... we'll be in (session) until Christmas, so I'm not worried about it."

But Boxer did not guarantee Congress will be able to finish a bill and deliver it to Obama by December, when he plans to attend an international summit on climate change in Copenhagen. 

"I want to take this as far as we can take it (before Copenhagen). The more we do the better," Boxer said.

Expect the ongoing climate debate to pick back up in September.  Perhaps Senators will use the extra time to read the bill?