
2012 Watch: Pawlenty Hires Campaign Manager

Team TPaw has landed Nick Ayers, the well-regarded former executive director of the Republican Governor's Association (RGA), to run Pawlenty's all-but-official 2012 presidential campaign:

“I’ve chosen to work for the man whose record, principles and vision will give us the strongest Republican nominee, who has the greatest chance of victory in November 2012,” Ayers said in an email to The Fix. “[Pawlenty] is someone who knows what he believes and doesn’t need polls to know how to say it, and he has lived honorably in both his public and private life.”

Ayers, who served as executive director of the Republican Governors Association during the 2008 and 2010 election cycles, was courted by at least four other potential presidential candidates. He is currently helping to lead the transition effort at the Republican National Committee under chairman Reince Priebus.

Pawlenty, who worked with Ayers as vice chair of the RGA during the 2010 cycle, called him “one of the best political talents in America,” adding: “His leadership and record of winning tough races in every part of our country will provide even more momentum to our campaign to get America back on track.” 

Ayers is a Beltway prodigy with a sterling reputation.  His record at the RGA speaks for itself.  Two weeks from today, he'll transition away from his role at the RNC, move to Minneapolis, and leap eagerly into the heady world of presidential politics.  In doing so, he'll take the helm of a major presidential campaign at the staggering age of 28.  Remarkable.