
Conservatives Ask Republican Senators to Filibuster on Sotomayor

From the New York Times' "The Caucus" blog:
Several years ago, when Senate Democrats were using filibusters to block confirmation votes on several of President George W. Bush’s appeals court nominees, some conservatives decried the tactic as unconstitutional.

But now, a coalition of conservative group leaders and opinion leaders has signed a letter calling on Senate Republicans to filibuster President Obama’s Supreme Court choice, Judge Sonia Sotomayor. A draft the letter was obtained by The New York Times.

“We request that you will lead 40 or more senators to participate in a great debate that highlights all the issues that come to the fore with a Supreme Court nomination,” says the letter, addressed to Senator Mitch McConnell, the minority leader from Kentucky.

The conservatives say their intent is not to kill the nomination, as Democrats used the tactic, but rather to provide for lengthier debate on its merits.