
Herman Cain: “If Everyone Competed Fairly,” I’d be the Nominee

This is a rather bold assertion from a man who has never held elected office:

Herman Cain says if there had been a level playing field during the Republican primaries, he’d be receiving the GOP nomination in Tampa.

“If everyone had competed fairly and honestly, I’d probably be the nominee being nominated this week,” the former GOP presidential candidate said on CBS Sunday. “The process is fair but many people that are involved in the process are not fair and they are not honest.”

Cain, who now runs CainTV, said he’s not eying another presidential run.

“I’ve made it real clear. I’m not making another presidential run,” he said.

Newsflash, Mr. Cain: Mitt Romney won. Get over it. And by the way, I think the former governor was the strongest candidate in the GOP field. His “stellar” business career (as Bill Clinton aptly phrased it) coupled with his successful term as the governor of Massachusetts make him uniquely qualified to serve as the next President of the United States. He’s balanced budgets, turned deficits into surpluses, and put thousands of people back to work by reducing the unemployment rate to 4.7 percent. He created tens of thousands of jobs in the private sector and literally saved the 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, thus turning a potentially embarrassing international event into a moment of national pride. Put simply, this is not the time for high-profile conservatives to gripe about how unfairly they were treated during the 2012 GOP primary. It is, however, a time for Republicans -- as the late Andrew Breitbart once said -- to come together as a party for one common purpose: defeating Barack Obama and retaking the White House.