
Bayh-Bayh Obama?

If the sticker referenced in Amanda's post below is accurate, there are some in the netroots who aren't going to be terribly happy.

For example, Jane Hampsher of Firedoglake opposed a Bayh pick, calling him "Change You Can't Believe In," noting:

Bayh not only supported the war, he was an honorary co-chairman (with Lieberman and McCain) of the Committee to Liberate Iraq, a group whose non-Senatorial members included Bill Kristol and James Woolsey.

Given that Barack has called this the "single most important decision" that a President or member of Congress makes -- and that Bayh got it wrong, from his perspective -- what does it say about his judgment that he nonetheless trusts Evan Bayh to become President should (God forbid) circumstances require it?  Can you even imagine John McCain choosing a running mate who opposed the Iraq war?

More netroots unhappiness at Talking Points Memo and Open Left, with the latter charitably describing Bayh as "a gay baiting anti-choice neoconservative." 

Would a Bayh pick mean that Barack is throwing his earliest supporters in the lefty netroots under the bus with his grandma?