
Dallas Minister: Don't Vote for Romney

In the past few days, has received the endorsement of several prominent Evangelicals.  

This is from in the Dallas News:

A prominent Dallas minister told his congregation that if they wanted to elect a Christian to the White House, Republican Mitt Romney wasn't qualified.

Dr. Robert Jeffress, pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas, said Mormonism is a false religion and that Mr. Romney was not a Christian.

"Mitt Romney is a Mormon, and don't let anybody tell you otherwise," Dr. Jeffress said in a sermon on Sept. 30. "Even though he talks about Jesus as his Lord and savior, he is not a Christian. Mormonism is not Christianity. Mormonism is a cult."

This is not some random pastor who is getting attention.  This is one of the most prominent Baptist churches in Dallas. 

The other day I wrote that Romney would likely give a "JFK-style" religion speech, soon.  This story illustrates why he will have to address this issue head on, sooner rather than later ...

H/T:  Dwayne Horner