
Romney and McCain Both Say They Will Win ...

Greetings from Manchester, NH, where both Mitt Romney and John McCain are predicting they will be triumphant.  For John McCain, appearing positive -- even if it's acting -- is a smart move.  He has little to lose by appearing optimistic. 

But for Mitt Romney, who as recently as yesterday was lowering expectations and preparing us for a second-place finish, he is in danger of raising expectations, and thereby increasing the fallout that would come from a loss here.

Could it be that Mitt knows something we don't?  My take is, he should be careful.  Romney's team actually beat their turn-out goals in Iowa.  The problem was that the high-voter turnout rendered their goals irrelevant.

It could be a crazy night.  More and more I am believing there is a good chance that whoever wins New Hampshire tonight may also win the nomination ..