
Townhall Happily Heading to MN!

AP Photo

             (AP Photo/Kiichiro Sato)

... Townhall is heading to "The Cities." We will be covering the presidential campaign all next week from the RNC Convention. 

The Palin pick has made me look forward to the trip out to MN (especially when you consider what might have been).  Had things gone differently, it would have been a long plane ride.

Stay with us for up-to-the-minute updates and analysis -- and behind-the-scenes coverage and pictures.  And make sure to post your comments and thoughts, too.

If you are a media outlet looking to talk to conservative bloggers who rock, make sure to look us up (we're credentialed).  Oh yeah; and if you happen to be hosting a party at the convention, make sure to drop us a line ...

1. During my time in North Dakota, I learned that Minneapolis/ St. Paul is referred to by North Dakotans simply as "The Cities" -- not the "Twin Cities" -- but "The Cities."  The dream of most kids growing up in the Dakota's is not to move to L.A. or NYC -- but to make it to "The Cities."