
A Rally for McKinney's Run-Off Opponent

Will Hinton is in Georgia, and he's covering the Hank Johnson campaign in its efforts to unseat Cynthia McKinney:

I'm sure that Cynthia McKinney is going to claim that only white Republicans in the northern portion of the district are supporting Hank Johnson but as always she would be wrong. The rally was overwhelmingly attended by Democrats who are sick and tired of having a divisive and self-centered individual as their representative to Congress.

I was very impressed by Hank's remarks about his desire to represent the entire district and work to bring people together. I especially liked that his biggest promise is to make his constituents proud. I got a few minutes to speak directly with Hank and found him to be very well-spoken, thoughtful, and willing to listen: all great qualities for a public servant.

Keep checking with him for updates. The big day for McKinney is August 8th.