
Allen West Response to ObamaTax: Everyone Should Buy a Glock 9mm or We'll Tax You

Rep. Allen West is less than pleased with the Supreme Court's ruling that ObamaCare is a tax. During an event in Florida, West said the tax code is now being used as a weapon against the American people while he gave a brief history of the ever increasing income tax rate. West did however find a way to get standing applause from the audience after suggesting everyone be taxed into buying a Glock 9mm.

“I have a great idea. I believe that for personal security every American should have to go out and buy a Glock 9 mm and if you don’t do it, we’ll tax you.”

At the same event, West said President Obama wants Americans to be his slaves.

"He does not want you to have the self-esteem of getting up and earning, and having that title of American. He'd rather you be his slave."

Thanks to Michele Kirk for the tip.