
Dubious Honors

To the regular readers of this blog, it is no secret that Congressman Jack Murtha (D-PA) is the “King of Pork”.  That dubious honor is not a fleeting one.

Last week CBS news ran a piece on Congressman Murtha and his pork barrel politics. According to an estimate from Taxpayers for Common Sense(TCS), Over the past 4 years alone, Murtha has managed to secure more than $600 million in earmarks, and $2 billion since 1992.

In FY 2008 Appropriations bills Mr. Murtha garnered $160 million worth of earmarks.  Every private entity that received an earmark from Mr. Murtha also made a campaign contribution, according to information from TCS.

This kind of behavior of receiving earmarks for campaign dollars is reprehensible, and a dreadful way of spending your tax dollars.

To see the rest of the CBS report see the video below.