
Constitution Day: Why We Celebrate

Guest blog post by Rep. Mike Pence (Ind.-6)

At the outset of every session of Congress, with right hand raised, I join every Member of Congress is taking an oath to support and protect the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic. This is a sacred vow to remember at all times the foundation of our nation, the freedom it is founded to provide.
This year, Constitution Day comes on the heels of the monumental 9/12 March in Washington, DC. Hundreds of thousands of Americans flooded their nation’s capital to urge, above all, that their government not lose sight of their Constitutional duties.
An enlarged mock version of the historical document was rolled out less than a mile from the White House on Saturday and participants signed the paper-- signifying to legislators that laws today should be based on what our forefathers designated 222 years ago.

Americans possess the greatest rights and freedoms in the world, allowing us the opportunity to be heard, to practice our beliefs freely, to protect ourselves and to live out whatever we dream for our lives.
Patrick Henry once said, “The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests.”

On this day, as every day, we salute our men and women in uniform who are defending the very freedoms that our Constitution provides, as patriots of every generation have done. Today, we resolve to remain faithful to the ideals of our Founders and embrace the principles of limited government enshrined in this most precious document. 

Congressman Pence represents Indiana's 6th congressional district.