
Michelle Interviews Laura Ingraham: Power to the People

This book is next on my reading list. Sounds like a perfect perk-up, call to arms for disheartened conservatives (and there are many of us):
Top-rated radio personality Laura Ingraham is fed up with the rule of the elites, and POWER TO THE PEOPLE issues a call to arms-a plea to reinvigorate our birthright of liberty, to reconnect to our American heritage, to revive our commitment to traditional, conservative principles, and to grow as people by summoning our moral resolve and living our faith.

Ingraham exposes the threats we face from an emboldened cultural Left, global dogmatists, science worshippers, and politicians who spend more time on their hair than on constituency outreach. She also offers real-world solutions for how we can demand more from our leaders and ourselves. POWER TO THE PEOPLE will not just rile up Ingraham's millions of fans, it will also incite readers to do their part to protect the country that we love. "It is ours to lose," she writes, "and there are many at home and abroad who are more than willing to take it from us. Let's get to work. If each of us does our part, we can't lose."

Michelle Malkin interviews Laura today, in the first of a five-part Vent, about the book, Cialis commercials, and everything in between. Enjoy!