
Abortion Groups Plan Capitol Hill Lobby Day

Guest post from Joy Yearout with Susan B. Anthony List

On the heels of their efforts to send coat hangers to intimidate pro-life Democrats in the House, abortion groups are organizing a lobby day on Capitol Hill tomorrow.  Planned Parenthood tells The Hill that they expect approximately 500 activists. 

After being criticized for being late to the party on health care, the abortion lobby is desperately seeking to undo pro-life gains in health care reform.  Earlier this year Congressman Bart Stupak (D-MI) built a coalition of pro-life Democrats who forced Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to add language excluding government funding for abortion or plans that cover abortion in health care reform legislation. 

Pro-Life groups are working hard to ensure health care reform is not hijacked to include the greatest expansion of government-funded abortion since Roe v. Wade.  Fortunately, we have the American people on our side.  Recent polls show that 61% of Americans oppose funding abortion on-demand.