
Go West, Young Man, to Sell Energy Promises to Swing States

President Obama very conspicuously touched down in Arizona on Wednesday, and on Thursday he will continue on to the electorally up-for-grabs states of Nevada and Colorado to further elucidate the 'all-of-the-above' energy plans he outlined in  the State of the Union address on Tuesday night. Perhaps the President is finally wising up to the reality that allowing the development of oil and natural gas is a doable action-item with mass appeal that will actually enrich the nation and provide jobs. He's subtly changed his tune over these few years -- it used to be almost all renewable energy, all the time as the method-of-the-future to lessen our dependence on foreign oil -- though of course, he'd be remiss if he didn't throw in plenty of taxpayer-funded green projects to please his crunchy liberal base, too. From The Hill:

The first leg of Obama’s trip will be devoted to oil and natural gas. The president will travel to a UPS facility in Las Vegas that received a $5.6 million under the stimulus law to construct a public liquefied natural gas (LNG) fueling station and develop natural gas vehicles. ...

The president will also tout the administration’s plans to expand offshore oil and gas drilling, announcing that the Interior Department will hold a lease sale in the Central Gulf of Mexico on June 20, the official said. It’s the last lease sale scheduled as part of Interior’s draft 2012-2017 offshore leasing plan.

The offshore drilling plans have been met with criticism from environmental groups, which allege that Obama is pandering to advocates of expanded drilling, and Republicans, who say the president’s plans are at odds with his record on energy.

On the second leg of Thursday's trip, Obama will travel to Buckley Air Force Base in Aurora, Colo., where he will emphasize his plans to promote renewable energy.

There, he will announce that the U.S. Navy has committed to adding 1 gigawatt of renewable power to its energy portfolio, the official said, arguing that the move will boost energy security.

Hmm... if renewable energy is as-yet having difficulty keeping its head above water in the free market (hem hem, or should I say, the "free" market), I'm skeptical that it's a good idea to outfit our navy with the stuff -- but, alas, the military must occassionally pay the political piper, and sometimes even disproportionately so.

The President will also tout his Interior Department's plans to use public lands for the development of renewable energy this year -- which is just a different method of taking from the taxpayer. Land is an asset, and the federal government owns one-third of the surface area of the United States. Not only are the feds notoriously poor stewards of the environment on these lands, but they are denying the productive uses of the lands from the American people and instead just holding them until they are fit for politically expedient purposes, like this one.