
Gallagher, Hewitt & Prager Highlights During's 'Obama's First 100 Days Tour'

Whether you agree with these guys or not, there is no debating their "stand-up" factor. I want to be swift, so here's an anecdote for each guy.

Mike Gallagher: The first time I ever met Mike was at a sold-out Townhall event prior to my employment with Salem or Townhall. I was a college student and brought along a few friends. Wealthy fans that paid extra money to eat finger foods, drink wine, and get face-to-face time with him surrounded Mike. Mike saw my friends and me standing off to the side, trying to get a glimpse through all the people. He put up a finger signaling "one second," and came around the mob of people and the rope separating the first class from the coach section and introduced himself to us. In a weird way, Mike lost his "celebrity" status that second. I no longer admired him as the guy who speaks to millions of people; I admired him as a man. I know Mike as a colleague now and never have told him this story, but the more I get to know Mike, the more I admire him. He is the real deal.

Hugh Hewitt: When I think of what Jesus said in His Sermon on the Mount: "And if anyone would sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well." (Matthew 5:40), I think of Hugh. Hugh will drop everything (and he has more on his plate than anyone I have ever met) in an instant for a friend. I emailed Hugh in the middle of his radio show asking him for job advice. He emailed me back in minutes with phone numbers and a notice saying he already emailed the people I would be contacting. Hugh is always running through life doing good -- a lot of good -- with a warm disposition and a positive outlook. Anyone who gets a few minutes to observe Hugh can't help but gravitate to walk the path he sets as a father, husband, and man.

Dennis Prager: I interned for Dennis while I was in graduate school. Prior to that, I was his biggest fan. The day I dropped off my resume, they brought me into his studio while he was on the air. I was in shock. The only other person in the world who might cause me to become star-struck is Wayne Gretzky. The commercial break came and he shook my hand. My jaw was on the ground and I think he could see this. He started asking me about school and then my family -- never any questions about politics. He was funny, easy going, non-threatening, and you could tell he really cared about my answers. The next two years I did everything from play pool to clean Dennis's carpet. Like Mike and Hugh, his radio greatness was dwarfed by his character. When people ask me what I learned from Dennis my first answer is always this: Always keep the dignity of those I disagree with. Dennis's intellect is a mountain; he has debated the best and he has beat the best. What stands above his ability to debate intellectual giants is his easy-to-observe style of respecting those he disagrees with. This tool I try to use everyday. I have Dennis to thank.

I want to thank Kacie for standing in front of the camera at the "100 Day Tour." She was a great sport and did an excellent job considering it was her first time. She interviews Mike Gallagher and Hugh Hewitt and then we go to Dennis's highlight moment during the sold-out event.