
Wisconsin Rewards Big Spender in Senate GOP Primary

I thought it was going to be closer; Dave Westlake didn't get near challenger Ron Johnson despite campaigning over three times as long as he did. Johnson barged in with cash and endorsements, and ran slightly to the left of Westlake. It's a message that will be very effective against incumbent Democratic Sen. Russ Feingold in purple-y blue Wisconsin.

Let's take a look a Johnson. He was a much bigger business owner than Westlake; both men started their companies by themselves or with a single partner. Johnson spent milllions and Westlake spent $100,000. Johnson worked the official party branches, and Westlake worked state fairs. I think both would've been a good choice for Wisconsin, but now, it's Johnson all the way. He's polling about even with Feingold, though Feingold remains popular.

For GOP governor, Scott Walker beat Mark Neumann, 57-41 with 40% of precincts reporting. Walker spent 2 terms in Congress in the early 90's, and has spent years preparing for this bid.