
Rep. David Wu Will Resign from Congress

Special election, here we come - another one bites the dust. From National Journal:

Scandal-plagued Rep. David Wu, D-Ore., will be resigning from Congress after the debt ceiling crisis is resolved, National Journal has confirmed.

The move followed pressure from Democratic Congressional leaders after newspaper reports surfaced that he had a sexual encounter with a teenage girl. The news comes one day after he said he would not seek another term.

And the statement, straight from the man himself:

It has been the greatest privilege of my life to be a United States Congressman. Rare is the nation in which an immigrant child can become a national political figure. I thank God and my parents for the privilege of being an American.

Now, however, the time has come to hand on the privilege of high office. I cannot care for my family the way I wish while serving in Congress and fighting these very serious allegations.

The wellbeing of my children must come before anything else. With great sadness, I therefore intend to resign effective upon the resolution of the debt-ceiling crisis. This is the right decision for my family, the institution of the House, and my colleagues.

It is also the only correct decision to avoid any distraction from the important work at hand in Washington. I intend to go forward with new resolve and love of family, the State of Oregon, and our nation.