
Police Prepared For Clash With Protesters

On our way into the convention center, we ran into a few protesters...  Luckily, they see us as media -- not as Republican delegates.  As such, they are very polite -- and also are more than willing to tell us about their radical ideas.  I usually nod my head, and take notes at a furious pace.  This protest was apparently planned by a group called the Minnesota Peace Team (MnPT).  At least, that's what the protester with the "first impeach Cheney" tee-shirt and fanny pack told me.

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At one point, a protester -- who was also a nun -- jumped a barricade fence the police had used to cordon off a downtown building.  It is unclear why she did this, but most of the folks who saw it were impressed by her athletic ability.

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The police were on hand and ready to rock-and-roll.  If things turn really ugly, they roll over them in bikes.  (It's just a coincidence that it looks like the one police officer is giving Garthwaite the evil eye ...)

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As you can see, they've got some night sticks handly, just in case.  Luckily, no hippies were harmed in the filming of this event.  Then again, it's only Sunday...