
'08-ing It Up: Hawkins Interviews Duncan Hunter

This is my favorite part:

Duncan Hunter: Note that my son Duncan did two tours in Iraq as Marine Lieutenant, the last one in Fallujah.

John Hawkins: Is he back home?

Duncan Hunter: He is back home and he just finished his hitch with the Marine Corp and he went to Idaho to be a land developer and I got off the plane to see him and the front page of the Boise newspaper said, "Housing Collapse Hits Boise." So, I said, "Dunc, you're here just in time, as usual." He said, "No, it's going to be great." So he's optimistic...

Heh, I like the sense of humor and the "absolute moral authority" the Left will grant him, since he had a son fighting in Iraq. Right? Right? What, that's not the way it works with pro-Iraq war Republicans?