
Re: Another GOP Senator Gone (and rumors Voinovich is next...)

News today that Missouri Sen. Kit Bond (R) will retire in 2010, should make Republicans nervous.  After all, this comes on the heels of Jeb Bush's decision not to run for Mel Martinez's seat, leaving the swing states of Missouri and Florida up for grabs in 2010.  

Rep. Kenny Hulshof and Rep. Roy Blunt have been mentioned as possible GOP replacements, but conservatives shouldn't overlook the possiblity of running former Senator Jim Talent.

... In other news, I am hearing rumors coming out of Ohio that Senator Voinovich is seriously considering making an announcement next week that he  won't be running for re-election.  According to my sources, Rob Portman would likely be the Republican to replace him.  This also opens up the GOP gubernatorial nomination for former Republican Congressman John Kasich.