
Nearly Two Million Dead People Registered to Vote in America

The integrity of our elections is at risk. POLITICO has a new report out today with some startling numbers on our voting system, showing the potential for massive voter fraud as millions of dead people are still registered to vote, and millions more are registered with inaccurate information and in different states.

The United States’ voter registration system is in chaos — about 24 million registrations are no longer valid and nearly 2 million dead people are still on voter rolls, according to a new report Tuesday.

Along with the one of every eight voter registrations that is not valid or has significant inaccuracies, there are 2.75 million people currently registered to vote in more than one state, the Pew Center on the States study found. And the millions of problematic registrations aren’t the only issue — researchers estimate at least 51 million eligible U.S. citizens aren’t registered to vote. That’s nearly one in four, or 24 percent of the eligible population.

There also are more than 1.8 million deceased people who still have active registration on voter rolls, Pew found. And, Becker said, the outdated, inefficient systems currently in place are “not designed to keep up with deaths as they occur.”

Clearly, the government hasn't done a good job of keeping our election system clean. Luckily, True the Vote, a citizen group dedicated to election purity and protecting the rights of legitimate voters, is working to clean up the system before November by training poll and election monitors, tracking down fraud reports, raising awareness and mobilizing volunteers in all 50 states to restore election integrity.