
Let's Hear it for the Boy

Speaking of movies, I just got an e-mail from the Edwards campaign written by none other than Kevin Bacon who was kind enough to direct me to Edwards' new ad, which casts the Edwards campaign as a cinematic masterpiece that will redeem the nation.

Couldn't they just as easily have recycled the Footloose trailer, casting Edwards as a fresh-faced rebel who just moved to small-town America determined to lead the local citizenry and deliver them from the stifling repression of the old regime by... dancing his little heart out in a pair of tight-fittin,' acid-washed jeans?

Who wouldn't buy that?

Here's the Edwards trailer. Much like the candidate, it's slick-looking but ultimately overreaches with mean-spirited class warfare rhetoric with little substance to commend it. It is another example of Dems doing web video well, though:

And, because it fits:

Update: Can it be true? Edwards got game? Well, he is from Tobacco Road. I'll hand it to him. This is pretty impressive showing around the arc.