
Tea Partiers Gear Up for Tax Day

The Tea Party Express bandwagon is rolling through the state of Michigan today, basking in the glory of Michigan Rep. Bart Stupak's retirement news.  Stupak's announcement yesterday undoubtedly shocked many Dems and rattled the party's midterm elections efforts as the race for Michigan's First Congressional District now moves from being a "solid Dem" win to a toss-up. 

The Express will cap off it's cross-country "Vote Them Out!" tour with its final stop--a rally in Washington, DC on Thursday, April 15. 

While the Tea Party Express leads a caravan of tea partiers in a Tax Day Tea Party in the nation's capital, tea party organizers from across the country are planning simultaneous events for their local communities.  Fortunately for us, Americans for Prosperity has compiled a comprehensive list of these events. 

Can't make it to DC? Click here to find tax day tea party events taking place in and around your community.