
Romney Ad: What Happened to Hope and Change?

The most effective Romney television commercials -- in my humble opinion -- are the ones that use President Obama’s own lofty rhetoric against him. Voilà:

In other words, President Obama is using the same exact campaign tactics he emphatically denounced in 2008. What a surprise. I mean, considering real unemployment is nearly 15 percent, poverty rates are skyrocketing, and 44 million Americans are on food stamps, is there any other recourse? It’s also worth mentioning, too, that the nature of Team Obama’s negative advertisements have become so scurrilous -- and so factually inaccurate -- that I suspect fact checkers are working overtime just trying to keep up. As Ed Morrissey pointed out earlier today, for example, the Washington Post recently gave the “Romney-is-a-felon” accusation three pinocchios. Go figure. This is only the latest negative advertisement fact checkers have since deemed “false,” “misleading,” and/or “untrue.”

At this point, though, I’m almost inclined to agree with Mark Levin who suggested on his nationally syndicated radio show yesterday that Mitt Romney should stop playing defense and go after The One’s record. Sure, it must be incredibly frustrating watching a sitting U.S. president (who is deeply worried about his political future) viciously impugn your character and question your integrity. But this is the very nature of politics, as Team Romney well knows, and perhaps their campaign would benefit from adopting more aggressive campaign tactics. It certainly can’t hurt, and Levin does, I think, have a point:

“I don’t want to sit here defending Bain Capital, defending Bush — I want offense, offense, offense,” he said. “And we got so much to use against this president and this administration. They’re so destructive. They’re so radical. There are so many morons in this administration.”