
A Royal Snub

Apparently,the Obamas aren't on the invitation list for Prince William and Kate Middleton's wedding this spring.  Those who would insist it's because the event isn't an official state occasion should take time to explain why, then, President Sarkozy and Carla Bruni did make the cut.

Perhaps all those gushing reports about Michelle Obama's "natural" and "refreshing" spontaneous embrace of the Queen last year were, like so  much of the Obama coverage once upon a time, little more than pro-Obama puff PR.  Or maybe the next generation of royals aren't so hot on an administration that seems indifferent about, or even hostile toward, fostering the "special relationship" with the UK.

Either way, it's a little sad both that the couple wouldn't want to include the US's leader -- and that those who are overseeing the entire affair would be willing to support that decision.