
Pro-Lifer to Head GOP Platform Committee

Anyone who closely follows Republican politics knows that every four years, or so, there are fights over the GOP platform (usually involving the Pro-Life plank).  As the Family Research Council reported in their daily email yesterday, there is good news on this front for conservatives:
"Anyone hoping to water down the Republican platform must be mightily disappointed this morning after it was announced that staunch pro-lifer Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) will preside over the GOP platform committee this year. McCarthy, who received a 100% rating in FRC Action's annual "True Blue" awards, was solidly conservative in his first year in the House. Although he could very well be the youngest person to chair the GOP panel, this freshman could make a significant mark on the direction of the party. FRCA will be on hand at the party conventions to champion basic planks on life, liberty, faith, and family."