
Prayer Service Held in the Capitol Today

This morning Congressman Randy Forbes (R-VA) and the bipartisan Congressional Prayer Caucus held a prayer service in Statuary Hall of the U.S. Capitol. In 1800, Congress approved the Capitol as a place of worship and it was the largest church in Washington in 1867, with 2,000 weekly attendees for Sunday services.

At the service today, a prayer was once again read that was read on the floor of the Senate on March 21, 1947, 63 years ago to this day:

O Lord our God, in the midst of the troubles that surround us, when compromises come home to roost and expediencies return to plague us, keep us from adding to the mistakes of the past. Save us from accepting a little of what we know to be wrong in order to get a little of what we imagine to be right. Help us to stand up for the inalienable rights of mankind and the principles of democratic government consistently and with courage, knowing that Thy power and Thy blessing will be upon us only when we are in the right. May we so speak, and vote, and live, as to merit Thy blessing. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fitting words for what's happening on Capitol Hill today.