
SEIU: White Workers Are so 'F---ing Rabidly Racist'

Immigration Reform (a.k.a. amnesty) is a key issue for the SEIU and the union's leadership is lobbying hard for it (more on this in the upcoming May issue of Townhall Magazine). SEIU's favored plan would add millions of immigrant members to its membership rolls.

Unfortunately for union leadership, much of its membership is very much opposed to amnesty.  According to Executive VP Gerry Hudson, even black minority union members are very anti-illegal immigration. But in the video below, Hudson reveals his strategy for gaining their support.  He describes African-American workers as easy dupes: "It doesn't take a whole lot to argue African-American workers to another place," he says, but white workers are "so f***ing rabidly racist."

Warning: this video contains explicit language. View discretion strongly advised.