
My Optimism

McCain's victory tonight is a big step toward his nomination (for the first time, I think, he actually said, "I will be the nominee ...".)  The fact that Fox called it immediately, says something.   It seems now likely that he will officially clinch on March 4th. 

His victory speech was much more energetic than in Virginia -- another sign that he is gaining momentum.

So why am I more optimistic than some? 

My take has always been that McCain could beat Hillary for two reasons:  Conservatives would turn out to defeat her, and independents would support McCain.

... But my concern has been how he matches up against Obama. 

If I sound overly-optimistic, it's because I'm starting to see that Obama can, in fact, be painted as a bad guy whose ideology would be dangerous for America.  McCain is wisely getting to this task immediately.  And because of his background, he has (in a matter of days) begun to define Obama in a way that Hillary has not been able to do in more than a year.

I also think there's been enough "doom-and-gloom" this year about the GOP's chances.  Much of it, I think, is overwrought. 

McCain has a long way to go, but he seems to be on the right track.